
Deliverable Name WP Leader Type Dissemination Date Download
D6.1 Dissemination material and infrastructure WP6 UoA R PU M3
D1.1 Hops data platform integration guide for applications WP1 LC R PU M4
D1.2 Platform software architecture WP1 KTH R PU M6
D1.3 Semantic catalogue design and implementation-v1 WP1 UoA R PU M6
D3.1 Transforming big geospatial data into RDF & evaluation WP3 UoA DEM PU M6
D4.1 User requirement analysis for the Food Security use case WP4 VISTA R PU M6
D5.1 User requirement analysis for the Polar use case WP5 MET R PU M6
D6.2 Plan for dissemination and communication activities WP6 UoA R PU M6
D7.1 Quality assurance and risk management Plan WP7 UoA R PU M6
D7.3 Data management plan WP7 UoA R PU M6
D1.4 Hops data platform support for EO data-v1 WP1 LC DEM PU M12
D2.1 Large training database WP2 UNITN DEM PU M12
D2.2 Deep architectures implementation for the Food Security use case-v1 WP2 UNITN DEM CO M12
D2.3 Deep architectures implementation for the Polar use case-v1 WP2 UiT DEM CO M12
D3.3 Software for querying and extreme analytics for big linked geospatial data-v1 WP3 UoA DEM PU M12
D3.4 Software for federating of big linked geospatial data sources-v1 WP3 NCSR DEM PU M12
D4.2 Functional analysis for the Food Security use case WP4 VISTA R CO M12
D5.2 Functional analysis for the Polar use case WP5 MET R CO M12
D7.2 Innovation management plan-v1 WP7 VISTA R CO M12
D1.5 Hops data platform integration guide for applications-v2 WP1 LC R PU M18
D3.2 Software for interlinking geospatial RDF data sources-v1 WP3 UoA DEM PU M18
D4.3 Implementation and evaluation of the Food Security use case-v1 WP4 VISTA DEM CO M18
D5.3 Implementation and evaluation of the Polar use case-v1 WP5 MET DEM PU M18
D6.3 Report on dissemination and communication activities-v1 WP6 UoA R PU M18
D5.4 ExtremeEarth exploitation plan-v1 WP6 VISTA R CO M18
D1.6 Platform software architecture-v2 WP1 KTH R PU M24
D7.4 Innovation management plan-v2 WP7 VISTA R CO M24
D1.7 Semantic catalogue design and implementation-v2 WP1 UoA DEM PU M24
D1.8 Hops data platform support for EO data-v2 WP1 LC DEM PU M30
D2.6 Deep architectures implementation for the Food Security use case-v2 WP2 UNITN DEM CO M30
D2.7 Deep architectures implementation for the Polar use case-v2 WP2 UiT DEM CO M30
D3.7 Software for querying and extreme analytics for big linked geospatial data-v2 WP3 UoA DEM PU M30
D3.8 Software for federating of big linked geospatial data sources-v2 WP3 NCSR DEM PU M30
D2.4 Evaluation report on Food Security use case output products WP2 UNITN R PU M36
D2.5 Evaluation report on Polar use case output products WP2 UiT R PU M36
D3.5 Evaluation framework for linked geospatial data systems WP3 NCSR DEM PU M36
D3.6 Software for interlinking geospatial RDF data sources-v2 WP3 UoA DEM PU M36
D4.4 Implementation and evaluation of the Food Security use case-v2 WP4 VISTA DEM CO M36
D5.5 Implementation and evaluation of the Polar use case-v2 WP5 MET DEM PU M36
D6.4 Report on dissemination and communication activities-v2 WP6 UoA R PU M36
D6.5 ExtremeEarth exploitation plan-v2 WP6 VISTA R CO M36